
It’s been a while since I’ve written prose, and for good reason: the world’s kind of garbage right now. It can be difficult to find the time, or the words, and it becomes easier to do other things when you can’t scrounge up anything from your own imagination. But, uh…I got a little inspired this morning and managed to bring to life a fleeting thought, and I wanted to share with you guys. Let me know what you think – it’s not anything revolutionary, but it’s nice. I think it’s nice.


Her hair, long and black as night, holds souls like stars as they slumber, awaiting life. She is gentle with them, delicate hands gathering them up and scattering them on the wind of her breath when they’re ready, when their light shines most brilliantly. They settle into her weaving, her yarns and threads. Like gems, they glitter. They gleam.

He sits at the end of her weaving and unravels every line with care. The thread is wound up, the yarn looped. Souls, extinguished, are gently plucked from their place. Some still buzz with fury, and those he cuts loose. Those, he traps in a glass jar, and they rattle inside their cage against one another to no end. The others he cleans, examines, before bringing to her once more, threading them in her hair where they sleep, where they regain their brilliant light.

He offers her the lengths of materials he’d salvaged from her old work, and she assesses the wear and discards what cannot stay, mingles into the new what should be brought forward. They exchange words of gentle fondness before he leaves, for he cannot leave his post for long, lest those buzzing souls tear her work apart. And work she must, to give those slumbering souls their moments in time.

And so it goes, into infinity.

At the Limit of Bullshit


If you make a habit to be on the internet a lot, you’ve probably seen or heard the buzzing around JK Rowling’s most recent stance on the legitimacy of the Transgender community. Maybe you’ve read her blog post about it, maybe you’ve only seen her tweets. Maybe you’ve been a long time fan of the Harry Potter series since childhood, maybe you hate the entire franchise. Maybe…maybe you’re a lot of things. I won’t assume. I can’t.

All I can really do right now is be tired. Continue reading

A Gift of Jam

Hey, all.

So I’m not ignorant of the larger current events gripping the world right now. I know a lot of people are nervous and unsure. To that end, I wish I had some proper encouraging words from my own heart to give, but there’s too much that’s unknown for me to feel confident saying something, whether it be a foolish platitude or a link to facts that I’m not altogether sure are absolutely factual.

Part of me does, however, want to write a little something that I hope might impart some warmth and coziness to you. Continue reading

Relentless Reading

Today I have the particular and peculiar luck to be stationed at the receptionist desk for the whole of my Friday – we are without our usual receptionist, and the woman who usually covers is out on personal business. (Don’t worry, there’s someone here who can relieve me if I need to go to the bathroom.) While I can only dread the pile-up of work that will meet me on Monday, I can still make good use of my time by catching up on my ludicrous amounts of reading.

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Audience and Creator and the Balance of Responsibility

You know…we ought to have a talk. As a wider community of people who make things and people who enjoy the things being made, we…need to really sit down and think and discuss…things that are Not Okay to do. The more incidents that come to light or erroneous missteps taken that alienate people, the more I think that this has been a discussion sorely needed.

I’m not naming any names or events. I’m leaving it to you to fill in things as they apply to you – if one considers it on one’s own terms, then one is more receptive and understanding. That’s my own theory, anyway.

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The Homestuck Epilogues: Option Three – Disengage

I don’t think it’s a stretch for those of you who’ve seen me on Twitter or private social media to know that I’m…furious. Enough to the point where sheer spite kept me awake past 3am into Sunday morning. And perhaps it’s silly to be angry about a webcomic that has mostly fallen into disfavor even before now. But…you know, I am pissed. As I said last night, I am all teeth and snarl and fury, and I know I’m not alone. I’m not the only person who has Thoughts. But I am one person who will actively try to sort them out into something sensical for you.

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