One Month Back To Work

I figured, since the pandemic has created such a strangle hold on the United States, that I ought to make a specific category for it on my blog. Who knows how many posts I’ll be making referencing it? This country has jumped feet-first into the brambles, and folks ought to know what they’re getting into when reading personal accounts of what’s going on.

But yeah. It’s been a little over a month since my workplace reopened and I’ve had to regularly leave the safety of my home. Let me tell you about it. Continue reading

Coming on Week Three, Back to Work, with the Pandemic

So my office was able to open back up on June 15th. I’m back at work. I’m wearing a mask whenever I’m not sitting directly at my desk and gloves when I interact with the outside world, keeping my nose and mouth covered, using antibac on/washing my hands and spraying rubbing alcohol on surfaces to keep things as safe and clean as possible. I try to keep my distance from others, and I follow the decals on the floors of places. It’s not hard – I actively don’t want to be near strangers normally. But it is still a frightening experience. Continue reading

Animal Crossing: New Horizons – A Perpetual Work-In-Progress

This is a blogpost that’s been a long time coming – not because Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been out for almost three whole months, but because it’s been out for almost three months and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to say something about it. After all, my house is still not as decorated as I’d like it to be, and I sporadically change the layout of my island. It’s still a work in progress, it’s not perfect yet. But that’s when I realized…I may never get it to be perfect. And that’s okay! That’s not what the game is about. Continue reading

At the Limit of Bullshit


If you make a habit to be on the internet a lot, you’ve probably seen or heard the buzzing around JK Rowling’s most recent stance on the legitimacy of the Transgender community. Maybe you’ve read her blog post about it, maybe you’ve only seen her tweets. Maybe you’ve been a long time fan of the Harry Potter series since childhood, maybe you hate the entire franchise. Maybe…maybe you’re a lot of things. I won’t assume. I can’t.

All I can really do right now is be tired. Continue reading

I’m Still Here

It’s been stressful. It continues to be stressful. I don’t have much to write about simply because my stress and anxiety are overwhelming. I call it the “Screaming Brain Train”, just to find some dark levity. But I wanted to reach out to you guys anyway.

Stay safe out there. Take every precaution you can – whether you’re protecting yourself from Covid-19 or going out to protest. I’m not in a place where I can be completely honest with how I feel right now or do anything more significant than listening, and learning.

New and Useful Hobby


Been a while since my last post.

This is a combination of not doing much because I’ve been staying in my house as diligently as possible (I only emerged once to help with a grocery run), and the massive amounts of Animal Crossing: New Horizons I’ve been playing. That second one is something I’ll post about at a later date when I’m more satisfied with my island, but in the meantime you can see updates on my Twitter sporadically.

In between all that, though, my main objective is to help out around the house, and recently, at my repeated insistence, we finally invested in a bread machine! Continue reading

A Whole Week at Home

Considering current events, it’s probably not a surprise to hear that I haven’t left my house in a week. It’s…

I mean, for someone who has been a nervous wreck and has desperately needed time away from the outside world, who is definitely an introvert, it’s not been terribly hard. Not yet. But shockingly enough, even when you don’t leave your house, things still happen. Let me give you an update.

Continue reading

A Gift of Jam

Hey, all.

So I’m not ignorant of the larger current events gripping the world right now. I know a lot of people are nervous and unsure. To that end, I wish I had some proper encouraging words from my own heart to give, but there’s too much that’s unknown for me to feel confident saying something, whether it be a foolish platitude or a link to facts that I’m not altogether sure are absolutely factual.

Part of me does, however, want to write a little something that I hope might impart some warmth and coziness to you. Continue reading

Cindered Shadows – We’re The Rats

Overcoming a cold and one’s own personal emotional ups and downs can be incredibly taxing, and I’ll be the first to admit that all I’ve wanted to do lately is curl up with a video game and lose myself for whatever hours of free time I have. Thankfully, with the timely release of Fire Emblem: Three Houses‘ 4th wave of DLC (the main game I have discussed with unrelenting praise here), I have found new joy in retreading familiar pathways and experimenting with teaching the gaggle of recruitable characters new and useful skills.

It wouldn’t be nearly as enriching this time around without the experience of the side story, Cindered Shadows, in which you meet the secret fourth house living underneath the monastery, the Ashen Wolves. Continue reading